
Friday, January 21, 2011

The Power of Prayer.

We have been told our whole lives to pray. And its something that I, and many of you, have always done. We're told to bless our food, pray when someone is sick, and say our bedtime prayers. And that's usually what happens. But lately I have been convicted about praying. And not just, "Lord, help me pass this test. Amen."  I mean really talking to God, like a friend, telling him about my day,  what's on my heart, and what I need strength with.

I think that waking up early and praying is really the best thing I can do for my day. Waking up and giving my worries and mind to Him at the start of the day will prepare me for the battles that lie ahead.
Jesus set the example. "Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed" -Mark 1:35.

I am NOT a morning person. Despise it. I'm literally dead to the world. Like, I would literally prefer getting my foot run over than having to wake up before ten. I will spit on that. This is me in the morning:

And that's why I think its so beautiful. Im gonna have to go the extra mile to meet with the Lord every morning. It's not gonna be fun. But if I want it bad enough, I will get up lazy fanny up. And the second morning I met with the Lord, He told me it was totally worth it. It was Jeremiah 29, a letter to the captives in Babylon, from the Lord.

"12 When you call on me, when you come and pray to me, I'll listen. 13 When you come looking for me, you'll find me. Yes, when you get serious about finding me and want it more than anything else, 14 I'll make sure you won't be dissappointed..."

So yeah. God's a baller. That was such an encouraging scripture to read and know that when I am serious about seeking the Lord, its not gonna be easy, but it'll be worth my time.

What do you think about morning prayers? When do you prefer to pray?

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Temporary Defeat.

So back in June, Erica and I egged my friend Kyle in the head with 3 eggs. Rude, I know. But Kyle is the type of guy who would like your facebook status if it said, "I just got in a car wreck, totaled my car, and broke my neck". A great friend no doubt, but in my opinion he rightly earned the egging.

So within a month, Erica came home to a chicken squawking and pooping on her kitchen counters. His ransom note stated, "which came first, the chicken or the egg?".  After viewing the video on facebook, I realized I had it coming.

He gave me the option to make my fb status, "Kyle Kues is a better human being than me in every way" instead of him getting me back. Couldn't do it. Because its totally not true. you know the back story. I came home from Christmas break and noticed pine needles on the front porch and a profusely strong smell of pine in my house. "That's weird..." I thought, then dismissing it when I saw a green christmas tree car freshener taped to my bedroom door.  "Jena must've gotten this for me as a nice way of saying my room stinks?" haha. Then I opened my door.

And stood there.


Mouth wide open.

I was wondering if I was in the right place. In my bedroom, the was 6, yes six, real pine trees, all on Christmas tree stands. There was fake snow, glitter, and pine needles every where. I thought a Christmas tree company delivered a farm to my house on accident. Then my next thought was Kyle. Oh yesss. I called him, and of course he didn't answer. I wouldn't have either.

He informed me he would help me clean everything up via text, and fortunately he put tarp underneath everything.

So my bedroom was Winter Wonderland for a few days. It was pretty brilliant. Right now I am trying to come up with something to top his prank.. though its not looking good so far. Time is not a concern though.

So.. Ill put the video up below so you can watch it and see the damage for yourself. Right now, I stand temporarily defeated.