
Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sermon Notes - Rise Up

I always take notes during a sermon, but most of the time that's as far as it goes. I was really convicted over the past two weeks sermons, so I'm going to summarized them on here. This way, they don't sit on my notes app, never to be looked at again. I can study them, pray over them, and allow my friends and family to help keep me accountable. Also, I think it's good to practice humility and acknowledge your areas of weakness. That way, they don't stay in the dark. By bringing them to light, you conqueror them. So that's what I'm attempting to do. My husband and I are far from perfect, but we are hoping to grow closer to God and His calling for our life.

Let me just start with saying a few things. I have longed to be a part of a church home since I graduated high school. First Baptist Inola was where I was spiritually fed and invested. I went there for 10 years and knew EVERYONE! I was in choir, all the drama skits, piano solos, vocal solos, youth outreach, VBS volunteer, went to Falls Creek, Super Summer, etc. It was great and I looked forward to going every week. But when college happens, it is very difficult to get plugged into a church, because none of them feel like your old church home. And you're busy studying for school. And then you're gone for the summer. And then you move. And then you graduate. And then you plan a wedding. And then you get married. And then you're busy being married. And then..... The list goes on of excuses you have to keep yourself from getting involved.

Needless to say, Nathan and I have struggled with going to church consistently. We travel often and work a lot. Most of the time when we are at home, we're trying to clean up everything from the last time we were gone. We've been able to go on some awesome trips this past year, but it has really made it hard for our home life to thrive. Don't get me wrong; we're blessed and thankful for the opportunities we've had. But we also realize we need more balance!

We've been going to Frontline Church for almost 2 years now. And we LOVE it. We love the vision, the pastor, the people, the location, the worship. It's great. Even though a lot has happened in those past two years, we're not as involved as we would like to be. And I may be being a little hard on myself, but if I keep believing lies and making excuse, my spiritual life is just going to keep swimming in circles.

Now finally to the sermon notes. These messages are delivered by Rex Barrett.
3 Excuses of why we aren't being God's hands and feet.

1. I'm not worthy. We've messed up too much in the past and God can't use us. 
False.   2 Peter 1:8-9 For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. But whoever does not have them is nearsighted and blind, forgetting that they have been cleansed from their past sins.
Forgiveness allows us to be joyful and our hearts to be moved to do missional works for God's glory. God restores us and makes us worthy to be apart of his plans. 

2. I'm waiting for God's will.  "Oh yeah, once God reveals His will for my life audibly, then I'll start doing it." or "I was on my way to church and got a flat tire, and I know I missed hearing God's will  for my life." God is a big God, and His plans for you won't be screwed up because of a flat tire. We should be in the word, asking for God to reveal it to us there! 

3. I am too busy.   This may be true, but business will steal your joy. Joy is a fruit of the Spirit. And your lack of joy is cancerous. In busy seasons, you have to fight for joy and plan for rest. When we are busy, we're more likely to make bad decisions, ie not going to C group. And being busy with church things doesn't mean you're more spiritual. Spending quiet, alone time with the Holy Spirit means you're more spiritual. Always searching for the next exciting thing is not of The Lord. We need Jesus to prune the unnecessary things away so we can be fruitful and grow in Him. 

In summary: Rise up. Be a leader. Get involved in your church, in your community. Love your family, your co-workers, and your neighbors. 

My hope and prayer is that God would continue to stir in our hearts and that we would continue to get involved in our church. And be consistent. I signed up to work the nursery a few weeks ago and I am waiting to hear back. Today at church, Nathan signed up with me. :) 

Mrs. Phelps

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

365 Days of Love.

July 8th, 2012. That was the day I married my very best friend. Sounds cliche, I know. But really, we are besties. Sometimes we want to punch each other in the mouth.  (We never do, of course. But what best friend have you never gotten mad at?) Sometimes, we can communicate without speaking a word to each other; a simple look will say it all. And other times, we just roll around the floor in laughter because we have the same sense of humor.

This week is our 1 year anniversary. 1 whole year has passed since we said our vows. 365 days. Cray. You know they say the 1st year is the hardest. I can see that being true, and I hope it is!  I have to say it's definitely been challenging. Nathan travels a lot and it's been hard being at home so much when he's away. But, its also been nice to have a lot of girlfriend time!  And I always have my other boyfriend to keep me company when he's gone. His name is Harvey, and he's a 7lb toy poodle. He's presh.

Just to highlight the past year with some pictures (bc you should know by now that's how I communicate). A year in review:
From July 2012 to July 2013!

We were blessed to take a 1 year anniversary photo shoot by our dear friend, Molly Gates! She did a fantastic job. Here's a few more from our 1 year anniversary shoot. And our cake was YUMMY!

This year has gone by ridiculously fast. But its been very eventful, and we've been fortunate to travel a LOT. Hopefully next year will much just as much to offer, if not more. :) 

XOXO Mrs. Phelps