
Friday, February 4, 2011

Snoww Dayyzzz

Hello friends. Its been too long.

  I haven't been too busy to post. Quite the contrary. I've been too lazy!! This past school week, I have attended 1 out of the 5 days. Awesome. A college kid's dream week. But after the 4th day of sitting at home not being productive, I'm really ready to get back.

   I see my first patient on Valentines day! So exciting, I agree. But I really needed this past week in clinic to get every ready and prepared. I need to be able to at least convince my patients I know what I'm doing. Confidence is key. But its kinda hard to be confident when the weeks before you practice dental hygiene on someone, (who isn't another student) when you have been playing wii and eating unhealthy amounts of humus.

    On a positive note, I have had a great time with the rooms! We decided it would be imperative to make a fort. It was sheer brilliance. Molly added some nice touches with the "no boys allowed" signs. They actually worked for a few days ha!

  We then hiked uphill both ways, in the blizzard, fighting frostbite to get the bare necessities for survival: pizza and margarita mix.  After de-thawing, Jena and I made enchiladas, Molly made "Snowgaritas" and we watched Sex and the City.

 Since then, not much has changed; my productivity has been insufficient. My goals for today are to start studying for my ridiculous coarse load the coming week. BOO.  I hope everyone has been enjoying their snow days. I have!! 
   Would you choose to have snow days or do you think they aren't worth it?


  1. i choose to have snow days...with my incredible rooms!! our blogs are fairly similar today...maybe its because we've been inseparable (via blizzard) for 5 days! :)

  2. hahaha agreed, they are! Even our pics are the same! I like it. Yay twin!

  3. Great post! Snow days are good, but not snow weeks!!!!!!

  4. I LOVE SNOW DAYS! SNOW DAYS EVERY DAY!! I don't know how I'm going to get to work on Sunday. So maybe I won't unless someone drives me. I'm not driving downtown in this at 7:00 am. Not worth it!!!

    Karlie is sickkkkk.... we took her to see kash today. Poor thing. )-:

    PS if you respond to my comment with a comment I won't see you. you need to respond o the actual people. okay bye!

