
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Life Insurance

Nathan and I recently got signed up for life insurance. It was pretty easy signing up for it since my mother works for Mass Mutual Co.

I'm all for us being covered in the event of an unlikely tragedy. That Nathan won't be left with my ungodly amount of student loans I acquired after 5 years of college (Thanks, Dental Hygiene school) if I unfortunately kick the bucket in my 20's. Nor will I be left with a mortgage, car payment, and other small debts to take care of on my own if Nathan bites the bullet too soon.

So that being said, I don't know which would've been worse. Me living in a big house, alone, paying for everything... or having to get my blood drawn for their sinister medical tests.

I almost would prefer the first option. That way, my innocent veins and arteries stay nicely intact with out any perforations and no blood being sucked out of them like Dracula after a 30 day fast.

I knew Nurse Ratchet was coming to our house on Friday to conduct the exam. I was dreading it ALL week. One of the worst parts was that we couldn't eat or drink anything besides water for 8 hours prior to the procedure! She walks in to our house like the witch from Hansel and Gretel whispering "come here my pretties".

She sets down a black bag like Mary Poppins, pulling out a weight scale - I broke triple digits people - 100.4 and Nathan weighing in a whopping 90 pounds more than me. After the weighing session, she kept pulling items out of her diabolical duffle-bag.

After going over health history and such, she starts to retrieve some empty viles from her heinous handbag. Exit stage right. 

I was shortly summoned back into the room and I knew what was about to happen. A tight band is going to be wrapped around my arm. She's going to ask me to squeeze a ball. An enormous needle with a gallon sized container at the end is going to be drawing the life giving fluid out of my body. Dear. God. 

Naturally, I started crying. And hyperventilating. Although I knew it had to be done, it didn't help me get through it. It was HORRIFIC. Epic tragedy. Traumatizing nightmare. I sat there, with one arm being sawed in half, while the other was covering my eyes and catching a river of tears.

Nathan held me until the operation was over. I barely survived.

Well, I have now fully recovered after a day or so of random out bursts of tears and rolling around on the floor with my arm in the air. I know, you're thinking, how can I give people shots in the mouth on a weekly basis. Its the whole blood removing part that freaks me out.

So glad I made it through to share my story with you. It was a close call.
Do you hate getting your blood drawn too?

Bekah Boo